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이 단계에서 팀은 채팅을 시도했고 특정 대화 혹은 작업부하를 영구적인 채팅 룸으로 옮기는 것을 실험한다. 이 룸은 이메일 스레드와 미팅, 새로운 채팅 기반 워크플로우로 발전하기 시작한다.   팀은 상황에 맞는 룸에서 정보를 쉽게 만들고 공유할 수 있기 때문에 모든 사람이 알고 있는 것을 아는 투명성 효과는 물론 실시간 혜택을 실현하기 시작한다. 이것은  이것은 팀 챗 성장을 가속화하는 경향이 있다. 왜냐하면 이는 새로운 시작, 학습, 개발을 드라이브하기위한 새로운 방법을 나타내기 때문이다. 챗   챗 룸의 멤버들은 업무, Pull, 공유를 수행하고 혹은 정보를 보여주고 다른 사람들은 동일한 작업을 수행하는 방법을 배우기 시작한다.그들은  그들은 공유된 비전을 개발하고 자신의 업무가 다른 사람들에게 어떻게 영향을 주는지  확립하거나 혹은 다른 사람들에게 알려준다.트레이닝  트레이닝 매뉴얼, 세미나, 비디오를 리뷰하기 위해 직원들이 대화를 선택함으로써 ChatOps의 문화, 교육, 온보딩 이점은 이 단계에서 분명 해진다. 


이 단계에서, 전체 팀들은 챗을 사용하고 워크로드는 기존 시스템에서부터 채팅으로 전환한다. 이  이 단계에서 전체 팀은 체팅을 사용하고 작업 부하가 기존 시스템에서 채팅으로 전환되고 있다. 이   이 단계에 도달한 채팅 사용자는 이전 방식으로 상상할 수 없는 작업을 하는 경향이 있습니다. Highly  Highly technical teams have started to implement “slash commands” that mimic working from a command-line terminal and some bot-based integrations.For  For the most part, these integrations play a small role.But  But awareness of the possibilities of chat are driving exploration across technical and non-technical teams.The  The transformational experience at this stage typically involves users discovering that the fastest track to the information they seek may actually be found within chat – either through conversation, or a simple in-chat query – rather than through traditional task switching and navigation around an app.


At the Apollo stage, teams have moved off email for almost all intra-team communication and have started to evangelize chat outside of their teams because they see the value of the whole organization being on chat.Technical  Technical teams have begun automating common tasks with advanced bots, while non-technical teams have started to deploy chat-based apps.Workloads  Workloads are increasingly being done inside of chat and information is being brought into chat for collaboration via integration.This  This marks a major transition point as chat has become the place where other apps and data sources are best shared.In  In a sense, chat has started to become the browser for an increasing amount of data, tools, and collaboration.Full  Full workloads happen in chatrooms, and process has evolved to be chat-based for both planned and unplanned work. The amount of task switching between apps at this stage has decreased appreciably because teams at this stage can query information and respond directly inside of chat, as well as manage other tools and process from within their chat tool.


At the extreme end of ChatOps, we see teams that have automated large portions of mission critical work.Advanced  Advanced custom bots, deep integrations, attempts at AI, and custom engineering have basically turned chat into the operating system for their team.They  They are expanding the definition of ChatOps and breaking new ground when it comes to real-time collaboration.They  They see no limits in how they could combine work, people, and tools to transform the way people on Earth (or eventually, Mars) collaborate.


One of the keys to the success of ChatOps is democratization. It isn’t a product. It isn’t a seminar. It isn’t something you can install. In fact, it’s probably a bit different for every team.The  The one thing that doesn’t change, however, is the human aspect of conversation-driven collaboration. If people can continue finding ways to work together better, and if technology can continue to enhance those methods, the things people can create and do are virtually endless and will only keep accelerating.You  You often don’t see the biggest changes coming because they happen organically. Chat represents a new way to capture the collective knowledge of a team and use it to drive lasting change in how products are delivered and how people work together. Talking about it doesn’t feel like real change, but once you start working this way, you can’t imagine ever going back to the old way.